Choosing the Service that is Right for your Business

Japan Entry provides a comprehensive menu of business development services in Japan for computer software, hardware, and telecommunications suppliers entering the Japan market.

Many corporations engage Japan Entry to provide an initial market assessment and recommendation concerning the revenue potential, recommended market entry scenario, and required organization.

Alternatively, clients with a clear market entry imperative move directly to a full business development project to recruit distribution partners, strategic customers, and investors.

Japan Entry also recruits Country Manager and other key executives to establish or expand a Japanese subsidiary’s sales efforts. Personnel recruitment is often a follow-on project after Japan Entry has validated the market opportunity, or recruited partners or customers. Once the client has established a foothold in the market, there is a dramatic increase in sales activity that justifies establishing a direct presence in Japan in order to manage the sales channel and coordinate the overall marketing message and strategic direction.

For companies that have already built a presence in Japan, but have grown dissatisfied with the market performance, Japan Entry assists in analyzing the existing channel structure and negotiates a realignment or incremental partnerships to drive sales growth.

Some companies determine that the best course of action is acquisition. Japan Entry identifies suitable targets, performs the organizational and technical due diligence, and helps negotiate the M&A transaction.

Japan Entry works with clients of every size, from venture-funded start-ups to world-renowned corporations. Having done business in Japan since 1989, Japan Entry has the experience and expertise necessary to help maximize your opportunity in the second largest computer and telecommunications market in the world.